YOUR Dream, OUR Scheme
3 min readAug 28, 2022


We’ve all had a taste of confinement over the last two-plus years. Not moving freely from place to place as we were accustomed. Products we took for granted either have skyrocketed in price or aren’t on shelves. Access to the comforts of family and friends is minimized or non-existent.

“I could see wilderness and people walk by. I knew I should be out there at least once a month, which made it even harder. Didn’t see my family for over 18 months”

George Rogers was a prisoner in the United Kingdom. After 2 months of being transferred to his 2nd prison for his 3-year prison bid, Covid struck, locking down the country. Changing the rules of his imprisonment. Like everyone, he adapted. Finding ways to live his “New Normal.”

“I took every class they offered. I worked in the radio station, the bee hives, and trained abused birds of prey. Anything I could do to be productive to keep my mind off the time. There are a lot of ways to get sidetracked. Putting you off the path. I wanted my time to be productive”

One of those outlets was art. Never drawing a picture until his prison stay, after two classes, a piece of paper was slipped under his cell door.

“The art teacher invited me to be a part of an art show. This was the only way we could communicate because of lockdown.”

George Rogers is one of 31 artists between the UK and USA to contribute to We Bear. Artist Faye Claridge invited participants to express themselves after viewing folk art images of captive bears in different circumstances. This is during their own…



YOUR Dream, OUR Scheme

I love learning, writing and helping others. Through reading great pieces its helped me grow into a better human. I hope that my writing can do the same.